First, create a wrapper after the body tag and give an id for that wrapper tag ( ex:<div id=”container-smoothscroll”> ).
Then add the Smooth Scrollbar jQuery on the footer ( You will find the smooth scrollbar cdn file URL here: ).
After that, you need to add the below js code on your JS file:
jQuery(document).ready(function($) {
var siteInit = {
smoothScrollbar: function() {
var elName = '#container-smoothscroll';
var $el = jQuery(elName);
if ($el.length == 0) {
var Scrollbar = window.Scrollbar;
Scrollbar.init(document.querySelector(elName), {
renderByPixels: true,
damping: 0.1,
thumbMinSize: 0,
alwaysShowTracks: false,
continuousScrolling: true,
overscrollEffect: false
Finally, you need to add the below styles to your CSS file:
body.has-smooth-scroll {
overflow: hidden;
body.has-smooth-scroll #container-smoothscroll {
position: absolute;
top: 0;
left: 0;
width: 100%;
height: 100%;